What is TeenLearner

TeenLearner was created with the goal of helping teenagers and students learn the financial basics for a successful future. You should be in control of your money and the best time to start is now. 

This website is about helping you save money, spend money as efficiently as possible, and find a job or hustle to help you reach your goals.

Robert Puharich and Nacho in Split

About Me

I’m a high school teacher of seventeen years and care greatly about the future of our youth.

I graduated from the University of British Columbia (UBC) three times finishing with a Bachelor of Human Kinetics (BHk), Bachelor of Education (BEd), and a Masters in Education (M.Ed). 

I’ve worked multiple jobs and operated businesses my entire working life, and developed many skills and relationships that I feel you can benefit from. 

I’ve learned financial lessons the hard way and I have plenty of experience to share. From E-comm to content writing and real estate I’ve seen ups and downs. 

Along the way I’ve also learned that the online world is fascinating and there is opportunity for everybody, the time to learn is now. TeenLearner is the resource I’ve created to help you get started and I look forward to sharing your journey.

Robert Puharich


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I look forward to connecting with you.